June 29, 2013

Pool and Fireworks

Saturday we spent at the pool with Aubre and her family.  Ava is so a-typical of Sean.  She loves the water and would stay in all day if I let her.  Sean is just barely getting comfortable in the water.  Following the pool, we hit Aubre's house for a BBQ and then walked over to the park for fireworks!  A fun tradition that we do every year.  We love it!

June 28, 2013

7 Peaks

Friday found us at Seven Peaks with the Adams' Family.  First time for Ava and Sean!  They had a lot of fun.  Next time...we come prepared with money for more pina colada snowies!

June 27, 2013

Family Night at the Carnival

Daddy missed Taylorsville Dayzz this year because he was out of town.  We joined Aubre, Christopher, Camden and Boston and Christopher's family at the carnival on Thursday night for family night.  All rides were one ticket and the kids went to town!  Aubre and Maddy convinced Sean to ride some rides that were a bit scarier than he would normally have chosen on his own.  But, of course he had a blast. 

June 26, 2013

Slip 'N Slide

Ava had fun playing on the Slip 'n Slide at Nineveh's house.  They're such good friends!