December 8, 2012

San Diego - Day 2

On our second day in San Diego, we woke up bright and early and headed off to Sea World! Neither Lyle nor I have ever been to Sea World and we were told by numerous people that it was one place we HAD to visit while we were there. So, off we went. I'm still not positive it was worth the admission price, and I'm not sure I would go again any time soon (I mean, how often can you SEE animals do they same thing over and over?), but, like flying, it's good to say that now I've done it!

I love this shot!  The kids were so excited that the whale came so close to them!

The visitors in the front were warned that they would get wet.  I'm guessing they didn't think they would basically take a bath, because they went scurrying at the first splash!

These pirahnas kind of disappointed us at feeding time.  They didn't go into a frenzy at all!  They must be too well fed. 

 These seals were so funny!  You could purchase some fish to feed to them and they knew you were coming!  This one sat on this rock and whenever he saw someone with a container of fish he would start barking furiously until he became so annoying someone finally threw him a fish.

This guy would "stand" on his back flippers and look throught the glass partition at you until you gave him a fish; he would also start nodding his head at you, as if to say, "uh-huh, yes, I'm ready, uh-huh, give me food".  LOL

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